Large Blue Hosta

Large blue hosta
Shadowland® 'Empress Wu' Hosta
- The largest hosta, reaching over 6 feet wide!
- Massive blue-green foliage.
- Leathery texture is resistant to slug damage.
- Soft violet flowers in midsummer.
- Zones 3-9, part sun/shade, 4' tall x 6' wide at maturity.
What is the bluest hosta available?
'Popo' and 'Baby Bunting' are the bluest of the miniatures. These tiny selections sport leaves that are bluish-green on delightfully compact mounds.
How big will blue hosta get?
Hosta 'Canadian Blue' Plants are dense and reach about 20 inches (50 cm) high by 24 inches (61 cm) across.
What are blue hostas called?
A Giant in Your Garden! Large blue-green, heart-shaped leaves make quite a statement in shaded areas of your landscape.
Can blue hostas take full sun?
As established, no blue hostas should be planted in full-sun spots. However, you can try to grow these types of blue hosta in sunny, but not full sun, locations.
What kind of hostas get really big?
The Empress Wu, Sum & Substance, and Gentle Giant Hostas are the largest commonly available hostas, typically growing to a spread of 5′-6′ wide. Giant hostas reach their full size after five years, although it may take longer if they're not getting the nutrients and sunlight that they need.
What is the 2022 hosta of the Year?
2022 - Hosta SHADOWLAND® 'Diamond Lake' Finally, a large blue hosta that's worthy of the Proven Winners® stamp of approval! Attractive, heart-shaped, thick and heavily corrugated blue leaves have wavy margins.
Do blue hostas spread?
Hostas can spread, either through underground runners or seeds. Rhizomatous Hostas that spread underneath the soil are the worst offenders. These varieties will spread almost indefinitely. Non-Rhizomatous varieties will grow in clumps that reach a mature width.
Do blue hostas prefer sun or shade?
In general, blue-leaf hostas require shade, while those with fragrant flowers, gold or yellow foliage or slight white variegation can tolerate more sun. If the hostas you try suffer in the south side of your garden, these tough plants are easy to move to a more suitable, better-shaded location.
How long does a blue hosta take to grow?
As a rule, hostas start to grow quite late in the spring, but quickly fill in their allotted spots in the garden. Hostas may take 2-5 years to reach their mature size so keep this in mind when planting.
How long does it take for blue hostas to grow?
Like we stated earlier, it can take up to 5-7 years for some hostas to reach their mature height. It can also take that long for some characteristics to appear. Some blue hostas become bluer as they get older. Heavy corrugation can also take a few years to show up.
What can I plant next to blue hostas?
A blue hosta, for example, looks great planted among pink and purple flowers. The leaf color of a gold hosta becomes more intense when it is echoed by yellow flowers or contrasted with purple flowers. Even if a plant has just a small splash of the color you want to echo, it will be effective.
What is the most beautiful hosta?
One of the most elegant of all hostas, 'Tokudama Flavocircinalis' features heart-shaped blue leaves with a pale green edge. The leaves have an attractive corrugated texture that's a great contrast to hostas with smoother leaf surfaces. This hosta flowers in early summer with white blooms.
Why did my blue hosta turn green?
Most blue-leafed hostas become green at some time during the growing season when their waxy surface is not as reflective as it once was. The wax seems to almost melt off with exposure to hot sun, harsh watering, or some pesticide sprays.
Is blue hosta a perennial?
Vigoro Blue Hosta plant. The low-maintenance perennial thrives on twice-weekly watering for hassle-free care, while the hardy roots withstand USDA zones 3 to 9. This non-fragrant plant features eye-catching blue leaves that make a perfect addition to beds with predominantly green foliage.
How often should you water blue hostas?
Hostas are drought tolerant, yet like moist well drained soil. If the weather is hotter, increase the watering to three times per week. Large hostas should be watered two times per week and daily during hot weather, especially if it gets more sun. Hostas growing in pots will require more frequent watering.
What is the most sun tolerant hosta?
Hosta plantaginea, which is a sun tolerant hosta, is a Chinese native that opens white flowers in late summer at dusk, releasing a heady perfume. Other fragrant varieties of hostas for sun include 'Ambrosia' and 'Fried Green Tomatoes. '
What do hostas look like when they get too much sun?
If you notice burnt or dry curling leaves, starting at the outer edges, like dry paper, your hosta is receiving too much direct sunlight. Their leaves may even start to yellow. Another attribute of too much sunlight is dull coloring or faded spots on the leaves.
How do you keep hostas getting so big?
To achieve maximum growth potential, Hostas need soil that's rich in organic matter, regular water (at least an inch of water every week), and the right amount of sunlight for the specific variety. If any of these pieces are missing – your Hostas will grow slowly and not get as large.
What is the lifespan of hostas?
Hostas require little care and will live to be 30 or more years if properly cared for. While most known for thriving in the shade garden, the reality is more nuanced. The ideal situation is dappled shade.
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